The sweat lodge
The sweat Lodge is a spiritual purification ceremony also called a medicine lodge or sweat
it was done in a hole in the ground or a domed or oblong structure .there would be afire outside and a fire keeper to look after the stones being heated for the sweat they would be
placed in the lodge and sprinkeld with water and herbs to give off steam .
There was many different way of doin a lodge sometimes u would sit in silence and sometimes sharing life stories prayers and song .people entering the sweatlodge would usually just wear little clothing and also the door was very low so to set the mindset of being reborn upon exiting
in some new age sweats people would be naked but this is i belive a new addition to again signify rebirth but the native indians were very shy and humble people and would probably wear proper clothing also some would be single sex sweats depedning on tradition .
The Lodge as with anything native indian is done with great respect to each other and to mother nature . if any one has any questions about this or would like to correct the infor mation i have shared please do as we are all learning and sharing together and im sure i may have missed out on some info .
love blessings and peace on your path
Mato xxxxx